Saturday, January 10, 2009

Beyond the Holidays

So, the holidays are finally over. They were quiet. Ominously quiet at some points. But we managed our way through them unscathed. In fact, they were much better than I would have expected, although I greatly missed hanging and laughing with my big sister and niece (like having a little sister around) and definitely missed the distraction of my great nephew cuz there is nothing like a 2-year old to bring life to a party.

But all that was a sweet few days back at the old homestead. The title of this blog though is bitchinsisters, so I wouldn't be doing it justice without a few highlights.

  1. Because I was delaying arrival until the very last minute, we got caught in some nasty weather driving up. We would have been better to drive up the night before...but that equaled more time at home....which equaled not good in my book.
  2. Our first event, after rushing in, eating disgusting subs because Mom didn't want to cook, but didn't want us to eat at the parties that night either(??), and rushing to change, was a stop at a cousins house. I have probably spent less than 20 hours with this cousin in my life. But suddenly we are supposed to be this really tight family (because my mom and her grandfather Bud are doing the nasty)...doesn't really make for a comfortable evening.
  3. Lowlight of cousin's party - present opening. We brought none. I don't even know them! My aunt (my mother's sleeping partner's ex-wife) gave me sugar-free candy and a precious moments statue. Ugh.
  4. Christmas Day - longest day ever. No problems, no drama, just a ticking clock.
  5. December 26th - longest day ever...even longer than day before. Thank goodness Mom had a job for me (taking down all christmas decorations) to help pass two hours of the day. Kip was able to get out of house for some hiking which probably saved his sanity.
  6. Dinner out with another cousin that night (son of Bud, the man sleeping with Mom) who is nice enough, but proceeded to have a few beers and talk about how my Mom and he had a long talk about sexual activities, two in the shower, and other nasty things at a recent party. Holy fuck.
  7. December 27th...outta there. With relief. And yet still I look back in the rear-view mirror with real sadness that someday it won't be there and I will miss it, and as crazy, and sucky as it seems now, I will have missed the chance to enjoy it.

So, there you have it...another Christmas done. Next we move to the other side of the family and take on our first Bat Mitzvah celebration...Oy.