Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Hello My Name is Mom and I'm NOT an Alcoholic

After years of watching my mother's alcohol consumption I'm convinced she has a drinking problem. But her? Yeah, she's not convinced. Here are the symptoms of the problem as I see it:
  1. She travels with her own supply. When she goes to my sister's house for the afternoon she brings a double bottle. It's often almost or totally empty by the time she leaves. When she comes to me for a weekend she brings 4-5 bottles. They are most definitely empty by the times she leaves.
  2. She buys in bulk. She finds it most cost effective to buy her wine by the case. I guess many people would agree, but are either cellaring the wine, or using in social situations. She drinks it all herself...white wine...before it turns to vinegar.
  3. She uses water goblets. She pours her wine to within a quarter inch of the top of the glass and uses water goblets. Once, when I served it in a smaller glass, she complained it was like a juice glass.
  4. She has "brown-outs". This is what I call the fact that I never count on any discussion I have with her after "happy hour" being remembered the next day. We often need to revisit it. I was worried it was a sign of Alzheimer's Sundowning until I realized it was tied to the drinking.

Today, I got an email from her. It said, "I am really trying to get more fit. I am drinking less wine and only 3.5 oz at a time and making it last. Even with 2 refills it adds only to one glass that I have had before. I did have 2 glasses when we went to dinner but had had none before."

I can't tell you how happy this made me - although I do have concerns it is because of weight control and fitness that she's making this choice - if she can control her consumption I'm all for it. In the meantime, I don't expect her to stand up and say, "Hello My Name is Mom and I'm an Alcoholic" any time soon.

With Love and Little Malice,

1 comment:

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

My kids used to call it Grandma's grape juice.