Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I am SUCH a Bitch

While I was busy bemoaning my mother's visit, she was busy soaking up every minute she gets with me and Kip. She truly loves all of us kids - but I will not deny as her only biological child - I am the favorite. Growing up there were some perks to that, but as an adult, there's a lot of baggage too.

Anyway, I felt like a queen bitch this weekend as I sullenly took her to a Broadway show, pissed that I was spending so much money because of the ticket brokers that are eating up all the best seats, and grumbling about her desire to take a car service instead of the train, eat dinner in the city instead of closer to home, etc. When we left the show, she turned to me in tears and thanked me for such a special day and for planning the entire event. She had such a wonderful time and she couldn't remember loving a show more.

I am SUCH a Bitch. I felt about 1 inch tall having been such a spoiled brat all day thinking about what I wanted or didn't want. Really - it doesn't take too much effort to make her happy most of the time and while some people say honesty is the best policy - I'm much more in favor of peacekeeping as a family togetherness art form.

I won't see her again until Thanksgiving - and usually we do some battles over that weekend, kitchen territory, meal planning, close quarters, alcohol, etc. But I'm going to focus on making the effort and keeping the bitchin' to a minimum.

With Love and Little Malice,

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