Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Shaking with Anger

I have been literally shaking with anger today. And not at my family. At my job.

If I post this on my usual blog space, however, Mom will read it and will go ballistic on her advice to me about my job. So this is a little about my family after all.

This morning - my value was questionned. Now, I've had a lot of frustration over the years with little things here at my place of work, but the one thing I always had was the feeling that my efforts were valued. But now, in this world of budget cuts and finger pointing, I actually had an executive at my company questioning where I was charging my time and what was the purpose of my activities. First of all, I don't report to him. Secondly, my budget does not roll up to him. Thirdly, are you FUCKING KIDDING ME??? Take care of your own world first Dude, then you can teach me best practices on budget management and time efficiency. But until then, just STAY THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY.

I actually typed my response to his email with a line that said, "If you want me to quit to save the company money, just tell me." But I thought better of it and deleted it before hitting send. I will however, take the next opportunity I have to see him and talk to him face-to-face.

Until then, I'll keep stewing on this one. And maybe I'll work a little less UNPAID overtime for the next few weeks. Since my efforts are not really of value anyway.

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